about us

1997年6月より社団法人日本インダストリアルデザイン協会(通称:JIDA)東日本ブロックの研究会活動として設立されたエコデザインをテーマにした研究会です。 正式名称は「公益社団法人日本インダストリアルデザイン協会東日本ブロック エコデザイン研究会」と申します。通称「マルカン」です。

1. 定例会:毎月1回、六本木AXISビル4FのJIDA事務局でおこないます。
2. 展示会:プロと学生が考えたエコデザインを年1回エコプロダクト展(ビックサイト)にてブース展示します。
3. エコデザインワークショップ:エコ展参加学生のために、年5~6回開催します。
With the theme of ‘Eco Design’, this workshop was established in June 1997 as part of the workshop activities of the East Japan block of the Japan Industrial Designers’ Association (JIDA). Its official name is the “the Japan Industrial Designers’ Association East Japan Block Environmental Committee”, but it’s more commonly known as “Marucan”.

The 3 main kinds of activities it engages in are as follows:
1. Regular meetings: these take place once a month at the JIDA offices, which are on the 4th floor of the Roppongi Axis Building
2. Eco-exhibitions: These are eco-design exhibitions held jointly by professionals and students, and they take place once a year, at Shinjuku OZONE. 3. Eco-design workshops: These are held 5 or 6 times a year, for the benefit of students participating in the eco-exhibitions.

マルカンのデザイン姿勢 / 小さなRから、考える
Marukan's Design Approach Our approach begins from the small'R's

1R Refuse > Innovation Design
2R Reduce > Minimum Design
3R Reuse > Long life Design
4R Recycle > Recycle Design

Marukan’s 5 Key Points

1.IDからの発信 Communication from industrial designers:
Specific communication coming from occupational ability and area
2.広く発信 Extensive communication:
sending and receiving information to/from a broad cross-section of society and the wider world
3.立場を超えてTranscending status:
We’re relevant regardless of age, gender and nationality, and transcend differences at the company, individual and occupational level
4.一人一人が作る Individual creation:
We stress the importance of each individual’s ability and consciousness, according to what they’re capable of
5.楽しく Enjoyment:
non-combative and bright, with a welcoming spirit